Warren Thomas
Design - Invention - Automation - Impossible Repairs - Retrofits - Technical Writing / Analysis - Structural Solutions - Materials Transport / Metering - Drafting - Architectural Preservation
Welcome to Warren Thomas' profile page. I've long taken great pleasure in finding solutions for people who have been told "I can't help you", "There's no such thing on the market", "It can't be repaired", "You have to pull permits". By ignoring extraneous human input, resources can be fully directed toward the objective. I've had a distinct advantage in having received limited environmental exposure to groups who champion process over objective, such as government, unions & such. It seems the directive: "Find a reason why it can't be done, and exhaust all resources to that end" runs endemic in those circles. This noise however, is unique to people who are generally unmarketable. In my estimation, a genuine problem solver allows the goal to eclipse the process. I always say: "First, Do It. Entertain the reasons it can't be done, after." ™ Born in Ohio, I was raised by my mother, Virginia Thomas, a securities broker, and my father, King Thomas, a logistics entrepreneur who derived great success by regularly circumventing the mob/union. Perhaps the greatest influence in my life came from my grandfather, Leigh W. Payne, who orphaned at 6, managed to find employment, raise a baby sister, brave a cut-throat bandit as he jumped a Kansas boxcar to travel the country, earn a college scholarship, graduate a Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer with high honors, marry his college sweetheart, raise two daughters, serve as Vice President of three corporations as well as Mayor of the City of Riverlea- all while manufacturing countless things still serving us to this day, from the Kilgore Cap Guns we all enjoyed as children, to the Window Operators in our homes, to top-secret components for the Manhattan project. His dedication to achievement, marriage and family remains my benchmark for the ages. In the spirit of his example, I am convinced that with a little imagination and requisite closed-mindedness, Anything Can Be Accomplished.
It is of particular joy to Restore irreparable sentimental objects to working condition. Be it resurrecting ancient clockworks or vacuum tube radios, recreating missing architectural or form elements, reassembling a million shattered pieces, or moving a house from one city to another, Anything is possible. Additionally, I can create quality Engineering Drawings from rough submissions, solve problematic Architectural issues with an emphasis on historical correctness and preservation, design for your small business a Functional and Economical Custom Website, Locate Buried Utilities, and do Consultation and Referral for virtually any challenging endeavor.
My "Business Card", above, cites a broad range of engineering related subjects in which I have experience. Having graduated a Business Major, I offer to defer to engineering or architectural diplomates in matters so requiring. Being known for little or no patience for red tape, naysayers or gratuitous democracy, I'm the consultant who skips ahead to the end product when solutions cannot be acquired through the usual channels. It is surprising how often imaginative ideas get shot down when brought to the table..."Ridiculous!, Cost prohibitive!, 'Can't be done!": all common noises emanated by the contemporary marketplace. The simple truth is, very little is impossible. Pictured below is Whistling Pines Ranch, a 1300 acre commercial farm where invention and automation are the order of the day. Established in 1953 by Young Farmer of the Year Award winner, Roger W. Williams, this is where I spend each work day. Machinery on grand scale helps us to produce from the earth tens of thousands of tons of commodities such as Tifton, Coastal Bermuda, Beans, Peas, Corn Silage and Beef each year.
Family Farms represent the last frontier in America for businesspeople with the drive to invent, design, build necessary infrastructure, and most importantly- Produce with a minimum of regulatory interferrence.
Involvement in Politics is essential to preserving the charter of our nation. Pictured left: my father, Kingsley H. Thomas following a meeting with President Jimmy Carter in July, 1978. His expertise in OTR Logistics and Port Operations proved an invaluable resource to the Carter Administration as deregulation of America's Trucking industry took shape. My own involvement in politics is far less stellar. To state it simply, I actively campaign for candidates who support constitutional LIMITED government, whose voting record demonstrates a commitment to preserve individual liberty, while reducing and restricting the size and scope of government. While party politics often entails the displeasure of accepting the bad with the good, close involvement with the representatives invites a personal discourse to which no other means of communication can compare. Kingsley Thomas Jimmy Carter
Of those I have met within the RNC, It is my opinion that congressman J.C. Watts (R. OK, ret.) remains one of the few individuals in public service with a profound grasp of the American Purpose. An orator of unparalleled brilliance, he deftly illustrates how Free People exist only by virtue of a Limited Government. Frequently asked why he considers himself a Republican, he answers: "Because as a Republican, I don't have to march in lockstep with anyone- As a Republican, I can be myself." Importantly, we share a common belief that charity ceases to be such the moment it flows from government. Charity is our duty as an individual. For every measure of "help" you accept from government, you lose an equal portion of freedom. rren Thomas JC Watts
The Political Campaigns are fascinating animals. They differ by party, but moreover, they differ by ideology. Due to the fact that Republican and Libertarian Executive Committees are comprised of people who are highly self-reliant, these organizations are frequently rife with internal competition, and a strained chain of command- "All Chiefs, and no Indians", and "Like herding cats", they often say. Couple that with the product they are selling: "As your government, we will do less for you", it is a wonder Republicans win as many elections as they do. Conversely, the remaining political parties appeal to populist emotions, usually with a specific focus on envy or victimhood. Their marketing plan to secure votes is an inherently easy sell: "As your government, we;ll provide everything for you, and we'll provide it to you at the expense of an expendable minority of voters, aka "the other guy". This political strategy, however, addicts people to lifelong, multi-generational dependence on government. In reality, it is nothing less than the systematic institutionalization of targeted races or colors, and if followed to its logical, demonstrated conclusion, presents genocidal consequences. Pictured Left, meeting with former Senator / Presidential Candidate, Bob Dole as a delegate to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC.
Among my favorite projects is the New Fellowship Hall as constructed at Kanapaha Presbyterian Church. The design of this building had to be carefully scaled and themed to complement the 1886 Sanctuary to which it adjoins. Steeply pitched rooflines and an octagonal "gazebo" vestibule are elements borrowed from 1880's architectural examples. Many thanks to the architectural firm who processed these plans to make this project a reality. The Steeple which sets atop the bell tower was designed and fabricated right here in our farm shop. The Steeple is constructed with an all-welded steel inner skeleton to withstand hurricane-force winds, and is finished in Norman Type-A Metal Roof tiles manufactured in a 105 year-old drop press. It has four gothic windows which pneumatically swing open seconds before the big bell strikes the top of the hour, or anytime the bell tower rope is pulled. The two automated systems inside are both custom designs which are not available through any commercial supplier. Our latest project involves Housemoving the "Anchorage", a 2-storey house 11 miles from Gainesville to Archer. Working with T & T Housemoving, this decidedly impossible task became a reality on November 20, 2006.
Daughters, Nathalie and Josie keep us on our toes. A sound code of ethics, along with a good dose of reading and musical stimulation pay big dividends toward raising resourseful and capable young citizens. Music, language arts, physics and self-reliance can be observed and shared with children at any age as a matter of routine conversation. Civic and Political education is an important family value which must be instilled by parents, lest we forfeit this lesson plan to baser influences. Appreciation for God, family and our providential constitution are a must. Careful instruction in firearm safety and marksmanship add yet another dimention to a well-rounded education. Nathalie Thomas Josie Thomas
Click Here for The Thomas Family Photo Album
WarrenThomas, JoAnna Thomas, Nathalie Thomas, Josie Thomas
"First, Do It. The reasons it can't be done can be entertained later." ™
Whistling Pines Ranch, Gainesville/Archer, Rancher/Operator
Gainesville Regional Utilities/Whistling Pines Ranch Beneficial Biosolids Venture Terminal Plant / Application Implement, Design/Construction/Operation
Kanapaha Presbyterian Church, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair, Missions Committee Chair, New Building Committee, Website Administrator
Republican National Committee Team Leader / Alachua County Republican Executive Committee Volunteer
Boy Scouts of America, 1976 - 1984
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Associate of Business Administration, Santa Fe Community College
University of Florida, College of Architecture
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